The Slogan. It usually is introduced like this: “Well, you know what they always say… “…when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” “…never put off till...
The Latest from Bee Write With You
Stories: fictional, historical, biographical. Devotional thoughts. Writing tips. Helps for home and hearth.
~ Holly Bebernitz
31 Days of Blogging
I have two main goals for 2020. One is to give my 30-year-old house a face lift. The other is to resist the desire to stay in the shadows and “just write.” Therefore, I am marching forth into the other arena of the Writer’s World, so necessary to success. I first joined in a challenge to “Blog for 31 Days” in March and May of this year, and have been doing so again for each month with 31 days. I hope you will join me on that journey. Here’s the weekly schedule for October:
Sundays—”S’s in Order” [a study of I Peter 5:10]
Mondays—Maintenance [keeping up with necessary facets of life]
Tuesdays—Tales [original stories]
Wednesdays—Writing [a history of my novel series]
Thursdays—Thinking Back [personal & historical events]
Fridays—Fractures [how to heal from life’s injuries]
Saturdays—Slogans [true sayings and how to live by them]
Fractures Fixed
Thanksgiving Day, 1999. The meal was ready. The house was clean. The guests were due to arrive. My then-husband had helped with the preparations by cleaning...
Virginia’s Own Words
A fitting conclusion to this story to let my mother speak in her own words. Here is what she wrote to my father on their 50th wedding anniversary...
Who Said What When
Dream an impossible dream, set to work, watch it materialize, see it just beyond your grasp… almost within reach…falter…demand of yourself what you think...
The Hog Holler Radio Station IV
I’ll admit I was madder than a wet hen when I stormed out of the kitchen and climbed into Zeke’s truck. By that time, I was so put out with the whole...
Maintain Your Well-Being
Most of us frown upon the philosophy: “You’ve got to look out for No. 1.” Our parents brought us up to be responsible, generous, and self-sacrificing. And we...
The Blessing of Being Settled
We have reached the conclusion of our study of the Four S’s in 1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ...
Something is Better than Nothing
Naomi knew the truth. [Ruth 2:16.] So did the widow. [Mark 12: 42; Luke 21:2] If you don’t have a lot, a little makes a big difference. I refer to the...
Shattered Feelings
If there’s one thing 2020 has taught us it is: Mr. Monk was right. It really is a jungle out there. Who knew always having a wipe within reach and only...
Mrs. Arends in Her Heyday
This story will not be complete until I tell you the beginning, who my mother was and still is, somewhere in the deep places of her soul. Virginia Wilson was...
Native Texan Holly Bebernitz moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 1967. After thirty years of teaching speech, English, and history on the secondary and college levels, she retired from classroom teaching to become a full-time grandmother. The change in schedule allowed the time needed to complete the novel she had begun writing in 1998. When Trevorode the Defender was published in March 2013, the author realized the story of the Magnolia Arms was not yet complete.